Bernard, our Lilac Lion is the most sociable soul with bundles of
character. He loves to be stroked and spends hours watching his humans, making himself heard when he wants to play. Bernard is affectionate, good-natured and extremely curious.
Montgomery, our first British Shorthair was the reason we kept on going. He's a British Blue with exceptional features, bright orange eyes, and beautiful dense fur. He is the most gentle cat with the kindest and good-natured temperament that is fiercely loyal.

Chiara, our beautiful Blue/Cream girl and sister to Daisy. She is the most extremely affectionate lap cat with oodles of love for her humans. She likes to play chase with her family or cuddle up to her humans.

Daisy is a Blue/Cream is our very first girl and not our last. She spends her days playing with the boys and grooming herself. She is full of beans and loves to be involved in what her humans are doing.

Nova, a bi-colour, blue/white, she is extremely playful and inquisitive, placing herself next to you when she is ready to relax. Her fur is smooth, plush, and dense with a round head and chubby cheeks.

Lyonsoul Bonita, our youngest feline family member and daughter
of Chiara, she has a sweet temperament and at 6 months proudly won Best of Breed at a GCCF show
All of our cats are from Champion bloodlines and registered with the GCCF. Our aim is to safeguard the well-being of the British Shorthair and to encourage responsible
cat-owning and breeding of the British Shorthair. We are also a member of the British Shorthair Cat Club and adhere to their ethics, including that no deposit is left with any breeder before a kitten is born and ideally before you have viewed it.

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